Saturday, January 19, 2013

Bookish Adaptations: Pride and Prejudice

Here's a shocker for you; I love books. I love everything to do with books. So when I come across something on the internet that's really awesome and based on one of my favourite books I want to shout about it from rooftops. You guys, you need need need to watch The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. I've been watching it from the summer on and it's fantastic.

It's a modernized retelling of Pride and Prejudice, pretty much my all time favourite book, and it's set in the States. And oh yah, it's a web series so there's a new episode twice a week. So good. There are something like 80 episodes out now, but I promise, it is worth catching up. What can I say? I'm in love. 

One of the best things about the series is the way it's integrated across the web. It's kind of like these characters are real people, inhabiting our world. They've got tumblr and twitter accounts, they video blog, it's all pretty awesome. So well thought out. 

So go watch The Lizzie Bennet Diaries and here's the first episode below. You know, just to get you started. No pressure or anything. 

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