
2015 Reading Challenges

Every year I watch as other people sign up and participate in reading challenges and they seem like such a fun way to expand your reading horizons and meet new people in the process. Something's always stopped me from signing up for one myself though and I've decided this is the year I change that. I've signed up for two reading challenges that will hopefully lead me to some new and interesting books and let me read a few that I already know I love.

The first is The Re-Read challenge hosted by Hannah at So Obsessed With and Kelly at Belle of the Literati (Find out more and sign up HERE ). I love re-reading books, but don't do it as much as I would like to and this challenge is the perfect opportunity to re-read a little more. I don't read as much as a lot of other book bloggers out there, but would love to re-read a book a month. That seems like a reasonable goal for me.

I don't have a comprehensive list of books put together yet since I pick up books based on my mood, but I know I'll include everything Stephanie Perkins has written on the list along with Sarah Ockler's Twenty Boy Summer and Huntley Fitzpatrick's My Life Next Door. I'm sure there will be more, but it's going to depend on where my mood takes me.

The second challenge I'm participating in is the Dive into Diversity Challenge hosted over at Rather Be Reading and Reading Wishes (Find out more and sign up HERE). I love the campaign to include more diverse characters and experiences in novels; it's a subject very near and dear to my heart and this challenge is an absolutely fantastic extension of that. I would love to read one book that meets the criteria of this each month, so 12 in total although there's no set limits for numbers in this challenge. I'm going to begin the challenge with the Miseducation of Cameron Post and go from there. I'm more than open to suggestions for this one; the more the better!

There you have it those are my two challenges for 2015 and I'm looking forward to getting started. You can check back here for updates and I'll be posting reviews and discussions as I start reading. Happy 2015 everyone!

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